Sending Money Through PayPal – Free


Josiahs Scott,,


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Intro. 1

Basic Steps to Send Money Without Fees. 1

Summary Note. 1

How To Add a Bank Account 1




As far as I know so far, I think that PayPal is generally the best way to pay over the internet. To do this for free (or with minimal fees) it takes a few steps:


Basic Steps to Send Money Without Fees


1.     Create a “Personal” PayPal account (if you don’t already have one).

2.     Ideally (though not required), you can link PayPal to a bank or find another free way to add funds to your account (this keeps sending money free with no fees… Note: if you use a credit card it will charge fees to send/ receive money).

3.     Go to the “Send Money” tab.

4.     Under “To”, send funds to (this is the email address which my PayPal account is linked to).

5.     Enter the Amount you wish to send.

6.     Be Sure to click on the “Personal” tab (under “Amount”)

7.     Select the “Other” option.

8.     Click “Continue”, and hopefully you should be able to send funds without “fees”.



Summary Note

As long as a person has a “Personal account” and they use “personal funds” and personal options for sending money (including not using a credit card) most or all of the “EBay fees” do not get charged. (PayPal usually charges the seller fees when you pay for things on EBay.) Other than buying things on the internet, I think that it’s mostly free to send money through PayPal.


If this process worked well for you, please let us know.

If you have any suggestions or corrections to this information, please let us know.


How To Add a Bank Account






Copyright © Josiahs Scott, All rights reserved



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>> Additions/ TODO!
